Mourning Sky
The silver hay which lies atop her head is caught among the bows which time does fade. The chalk which has replaced
her cheeks of red like dust which cloaks the bed where once he laid.
The TV sounds blare out in every room much
easier for her to hear than naught, and shattered crystal lies beside her broom, her heel still stuck within the step
where caught.
The doorbell rings, and yet she does not rise. A sudden breeze blows softly by her brow. A glimmer
of a couplet once thought wise, she strangely had forgotten until now.
"The Son will shine anew in mourning skies, but
first the sun sets softly on her eyes."
As I stand upon the precipice of my life Looking back at all of those people I longed to love Looking back at all
of those people who claimed they loved me I realize Love is a Lie
Forever ended abrubptly Leaving me shaken
and quite alone Forever
True retains the bitter Flavor of a lie Truly
Now As I stand upon the precipice
of my life I have matured, grown and understand Love is Truly Forever Like Death
Ode to Frederick Churchs Heart of the Andes
As far as the eye can see and beyond, Where all things exist than fade softly from view And mountains
majesty melt into clouds of gray As dark foreboding takes on a pasty hue.
All of the world captured in a blink of the eye From light to dark; from birth to death. From the
foregoing shines the sun Casting blackened shadows beneath bark of white.
She kneels beside the wooden cross Which overlooks nothing and everything all in a glance. Having
followed the crooked well worn path. God shines brilliantly upon her.
She visits him wherever he may lie; In a little clearing overlooking the world; Overlooking everything
and nothing. With pastures green with lush visions of life.
Across the life giving effervescence of the falls Is a tree which having seen its prime Sits precariously
perched upon scant blades of grass. It waits to make its descent into the never ending stream of life.
The white, clean water thrusts forth to unseen
lakes. And far downstream there is laughter and love. But here in this clearing it is just he and she And the bright
light of God.
Work In Progress
There's an edge to the right which fades to colors without definition And the lines, limbs of a tree will they
lie bare or be cloaked in leaves
What does the spot of bright crimson hope to become when it grows up Like the
deep, reflective, mournful black which is the sea, no the night sky
Do blades of grass grow thick and lush or
will weeds occupy that patch and there, see there, just to the left a cloud floating free, or smoke looking for escape?
that a bright protective beacon No, wait, it is a ray of sunshine Please, do not touch for it is wet good paint,
strong paint, dries slowly
Many will try to own, posses and many will try to tame this wild piece but there is
no signature, nobody can claim This lovely work in progress
We The Critics
We the critics how we scorn; then retreat to leave them mourn. For we make them lose their way "til it is us they
must obey. Should we speak of human plight which hath cast shadows in the night. The sins created in a single play, have
we the audacity to say what is to become obsolete, taken from those we defeat. We know that they have many men, but
can they overcome our pen? We have the power by and by to drink their lives and watch them die. We garishly sit upon
our thrones to drink their blood and eat their bones. In just one breath we debate what takes them years to create. We
the critics how we scorn then retreat to leave them mourn.
Rainy Day on Maple Street
The light had flashed upon the glass like fire, while cymbals clapped above in skies of gray. The swoosh of rhythmic
singing of the choir forced little Jenny to her knees to pray.
The dog was heard to howl throughout the house, and
mother yelled at dad for all her worth, "Go close the kitchen window, you dumb louse, or you'll regret the day your
Mom gave birth."
And suddenly things reached a fevered pitch. When dad who had just way too much to drink yelled
back to mom, "shut up you dirty bitch." So mom hit him with dishes from the sink.
Fear not for things turned out
O.K., my friend: When dad passed out, the rain came to an end.
To My Brothers and Sister
The chirping in the nest of late has taken on a weakened
tone. As mother swallow follows mate, Alas, the babies left alone
Yet as the weakened song sounds dire the
air feels heavy on their breast and heat has risen from the fire. Alas, a cool breaze gives them rest
But all
too soon a perilous pitch. A squeeking -- no a purring sound comes closer to their resting place. Alas, the nest
soon hits the ground
But fledgling sparrows with spirits high with haste scramble for cover. I know the sound
when sparrows cry. Alas, where is their mother
A hawk just passing 'round this way swoops down to take a look. Then
talons steal cat's prey away. Alas, where were they took
Put into cages separated from the comfort of one another. "I
want my sister" one had stated. "Alas, I want my brother"
One day they had outgrown their cage to soar high as
the eye can see to a place above this earthly stage. Alas, they now were free.
A cool breeze brushed across my
face as the flames finally died. The day we all were back in place, Alas, another sparrow cried